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100% pistachio tartlets

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

These tartlets have pistachio in all layers! I made them with Sicilian pistachios that I brought from my trip with my sister last June. Having a pistachio lover at home, I couldn’t possibly return from Sicily without pistachios! Pistachio is one of Dani's favourite flaours so I made these tartlets to celebrate his new job. They were delicious!

These tartlets are made of :

  • Sweet pastry

  • Pistachio namelaka (has a very creamy texture)

  • Pistachio financier sponge

  • Pistachio whipped ganache

  • Pistachio praline

  • Chopped pistachios

Here is how I suggest you plan your time to make them:

Day 1 :

  • Make the pistachio praline

  • Make the sweet pastry and line the tartlet rings

  • Make the financier sponge batter

  • Make the pistachio namelaka

  • Make the pistachio whipped ganache

Day 2 :

  • Bake the tartlet cases

  • Bake the pistachio sponges

  • Whip the pistachio ganache

  • Assemble the tartlets

Recipe for 10 tartlets of 7 cm of diametre :

Sweet pastry:

(Recipe from Aurélien Cohen)

With the following sweet pastry recipe, you can line a tart ring of 22 cm and more than 10 tartlet rings of 7 cm. I always prepare more sweet pastry than I need so that I can line additional tart rings, keep them in the freezer, and so I have some pastry cases ready for baking for another recipe.

  • 110g of butter

  • 90g of icing sugar

  • 55g of eggs

  • 2g of salt

  • 30g of ground almonds

  • 250g of flour

  1. Place the butter cut in small pieces, the icing sugar, the salt, the ground almonds and the flour in the bowl of your stand mixer and mix until the mixture becomes sandy.

  2. Add in the whisked eggs and mix very slowly and only until they are incorporated in the dough.

  3. Split the dough in half (one half for the large tart and one for the tartlets). Divide again in half the dough for the tartlets (one half for the rings and one half for the stripes).

  4. Roll the dough in between 2 sheets of baking paper or 2 guitar sheets on a thickness of about 2-3 mm. Place it in the freezer for 30 min to 1h.

  5. Cut a large circle of 28 cm of diameter to line the large 22 cm tart. For the 7 cm tartlets, cut 6.5 cm circles and 22 cm x 2.5 cm stripes.

  6. Put them back in the freezer for 30 min to 1h.

  7. Grease and line the tart rings with the sweet pastry and keep the pastry cases in the freezer for at least 2 hours (I normally leave them overnight).

  8. Bake the frozen pastry cases on a microperforated baking mat during 12 minutes in a preheated oven at 160°C.

Egg wash for the pastry cases :

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 5g of double cream

  1. After 12 minutes, take the pastry cases out of the oven and gently remove the tart rings.

  2. You can use a sieve to gently file the top of the pastry cases so that they are smooth.

  3. Apply the egg wash on the inside and the outside of the pastry cases using a pastry brush.

  4. Put the pastry cases back in the oven for 8 minutes at 160°C.

Pistachio praline :

  • 200g of pistachios

  • 80g of sugar

  • 1 pinch of sea salt

  1. Roast the pistachios in the oven for 10 minutes at 150°C.

  2. In a saucepan, melt the sugar until you obtain a golden caramel.

  3. Pour the caramel on a sheet of baking paper or a silicone mat and let it cool down.

  4. Pour the roasted pistachios and the cold caramel broken into small pieces in the bowl of a food processor and blend until you obtain a smooth paste. It can take either 10 minutes or much more depending on you food processor (take regular breaks so that your food processor doesn't overheat).

  5. Add in the sea salt and mix.

  6. Pour some pistachio praline into a 3 cm diameter semi-sphere silicone mould, and leave it in the freezer overnight so that the praline hardens.

Pistachio financier sponge :

  • 83g of butter

  • 116g of egg whites

  • 90g of icing sugar

  • 83g of roasted ground pistachios

  • 41g of flour

  • 1g of sea salt

  1. Make some brown butter: Heat the butter in a saucepan. Once it is melted and it starts foaming, keep on heating until it stops crackling and it has a hazelnut colour and smell. Immediately pour it in a bowl and let it cool down to about 40 - 45°C.

  2. Mix the icing sugar, the ground pistachios the salt and the flour.

  3. Add in the egg whites and mix.

  4. Add in the brown butter and mix.

  5. Leave the batter in the fridge overnight.

  6. The following day, pipe the batter in 6 cm diameter moulds.

  7. Bake in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180°C.

  8. Let the financier sponge cool down completely.

Pistachio namelaka :

  • 45g of white chocolate

  • 0.5g of gelatine

  • 25g of whole milk

  • 52g of cream with 35% fat

  • 15g of pistachio praline

As I can't find any cream with 30 - 35% of fat in the UK, I do half single cream (19% fat) and half double cream (51% fat) to get a cream with 35% of fat.

  1. Soak the gelatin in cold water for 10 - 15 minutes.

  2. Melt the white chocolate.

  3. Heat the milk to about 70°C. Remove from the heat and add in the softened gelatin. Mix well to melt it.

  4. Pour the hot milk on the white chocolate in 3 additions and mix well between each.

  5. Add in the cold cream and the pistachio praline and mix well.

  6. Smooth the namelaka with a hand mixer and cover it with cling film.

  7. Cover it with a cling film and keep it in the fridge at least 4 hours or even better overnight.

Pistachio whipped ganache :

  • 6g of gelatin

  • 116g of white chocolate

  • 116g of pistachio paste

  • 116g of cream with 35% fat (warm)

  • 350g of cream with 35% fat (cold)

As I can't find any cream with 30 - 35% of fat in the UK, I do half single cream (19% fat) and half double cream (51% fat) to get a cream with 35% of fat.

  1. Soak the gelatin in cold water for 10 - 15 minutes.

  2. Melt the white chocolate, add in the pistachio paste and mix well to combine both.

  3. Heat the cream (warm cream) until it starts simmering.

  4. Remove from the heat and add in the softened gelatin. Mix well to melt it in the cream.

  5. Pour the hot cream on the pistachio white chocolate in 3 additions and mix well between each.

  6. Add in the cold cream and mix well.

  7. Smooth the ganache with a hand mixer and cover it with cling film. Keep the ganache in the fridge overnight.

  8. The following day, place your whisk and bowl in the fridge before whipping the ganache as it will help.

  9. Whisk the ganache on low/medium speed until soft peaks form on the whisk and you get a texture a bit softer than a whipped cream. Don’t over whisk or you’ll obtain a grainy ganache.

  10. Put it in a piping bag with a 2 cm round piping tip and keep in the fridge until you assemble the tartlets.

Assembling the tartlets :

  1. Pipe a thin layer of pistachio namelaka in the pastry case.

  2. Place a financier sponge on top and press slightly so that the namesake comes up on the sides of the sponge.

  3. I tried 2 designs for these tartlets:

  4. For the flower design, pipe the whipped ganache on the tartlet to form flower petals. With a warm melon baller, carve the centre of the ganache, place a semi-sphere of frozen pistachio praline upside down in the hole created and press slightly.

  5. For the other version, place a semi-sphere of frozen pistachio praline on the financier sponge. Cover it by generously piping some whipped ganache on top.

  6. For both designs, sprinkle some chopped pistachios on top to decorate the tartlets.

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